Cosmetic Pens
The dimensions of a cosmetic pen are specified in device units. Therefore,
lines drawn with a cosmetic pen always have a fixed width. Lines drawn with a
cosmetic pen are generally drawn three to ten times faster than lines drawn with a
geometric pen. Cosmetic pens have three attributes: width, style, and color.
For more information about these attributes, see
Pen Attributes.
To create a cosmetic pen, an application uses the
CreatePenIndirect, or
ExtCreatePen function. To retrieve one of the three
stock cosmetic pens managed by window manager, the application uses the
GetStockObject function.
After a pen is created (or a handle identifying one of the stock pens is
obtained), the pen is selected into the application's device context (DC) by calling
SelectObject function. From this point on, the application uses this pen for any
line-drawing operations in its client area.
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