Creating a Main Window
The first window an application creates is typically the
main window. You create the main window by using the
CreateWindowEx function, specifying the window class, window name, window styles, size,
position, menu handle, instance handle, and creation data. A main window belongs to
an application-defined window class, so you must register the window class and
provide a window procedure for the class before creating the main window.
Most applications typically use the WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW style to create the
main window. This style gives the window a title bar, a window menu, a sizing
border, and minimize and maximize buttons. The
CreateWindowEx function returns a handle that uniquely identifies the window.
The following example creates a main window belonging to an
application-defined window class. The window name, "Main Window", will appear in the window's
title bar. By combining the WS_VSCROLL and WS_HSCROLL styles with the
WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW style, the application creates a main window with horizontal and
vertical scroll bars in addition to the components provided by the
WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW style. The four occurrences of the CW_USEDEFAULT constant set the initial
size and position of the window to the system-defined default values. By
specifying NULL instead of a menu handle, the window will have the menu defined for the
window class.
HWND hwndMain;
// Create the main window.
hwndMain = CreateWindowEx(
0, // no extended styles
"MainWClass", // class name
"Main Window", // window name
WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | // overlapped window
WS_HSCROLL | // horizontal scroll bar
WS_VSCROLL, // vertical scroll bar
CW_USEDEFAULT, // default horizontal position
CW_USEDEFAULT, // default vertical position
CW_USEDEFAULT, // default width
CW_USEDEFAULT, // default height
(HWND) NULL, // no parent or owner window
(HMENU) NULL, // class menu used
hinstance, // instance handle
NULL); // no window creation data
if (!hwndMain)
return FALSE;
// Show the window using the flag specified by the program
// that started the application, and send the application
// a WM_PAINT message.
ShowWindow(hwndMain, SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
Notice that the preceding example calls the
ShowWindow function after creating the main window. This is done because Windows does
not automatically display the main window after creating it. By passing the
ShowWindow, the application allows the program that started the application to set the
initial show state of the main window. The
UpdateWindow function sends the window its first
WM_PAINT message.
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