Creating a Simple Dynamic-Link Library

The following example, MYPUTS.C, is the source code needed to create a simple DLL, MYPUTS.DLL. The file MYPUTS.C contains a simple string-printing function called myPuts. The MYPUTS DLL does not define an entry-point function, because it is linked with the C run-time library and has no initialization or cleanup functions of its own to perform.

// File: MYPUTS.C.

// The myPuts function writes a null-terminated string to

// the standard output device.


#include <windows.h>

VOID myPuts(LPTSTR lpszMsg)


DWORD cchWritten;

HANDLE hStdout;

// Get a handle to the standard output device.

hStdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

// Write a null-terminated string to the standard output device.

while (*lpszMsg)

WriteFile(hStdout, lpszMsg++, 1, &cchWritten, NULL);


To build the DLL, follow the directions in the documentation included with your development tools.

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