Creating a Tab Control
The example in this section creates a tab control and displays it in the
client area of the application's main window. The application displays a third
window (a static control) in the display area of the tab control. The parent window
positions and sizes the tab control and static control when it processes the
WM_SIZE message.
There are seven tabs, one for each day of the week. When the user selects a
tab, the application displays the name of the corresponding day in the static
control. The following global variables are used in this example.
// Global variables
HINSTANCE g_hinst; // handle of application instance
char g_achTemp[256]; // temporary buffer for strings
HWND g_hwndMain; // main application window
HWND g_hwndTab; // tab control
HWND g_hwndDisplay; // handle of static control in
// tab control's display area
The following function creates the tab control and adds a tab for each day of
the week. The names of the days are defined as string resources, consecutively
numbered starting with IDS_FIRSTDAY (defined in the application's header file).
Both the parent window and the tab control must have the WS_CLIPSIBLINGS
window style. The application's initialization function calls this function after
creating the main window.
// DoCreateTabControl - creates a tab control, sized to fit the
// specified parent window's client area, and adds some tabs.
// Returns the handle of the tab control.
// hwndParent - parent window (the application's main window)
HWND WINAPI DoCreateTabControl(HWND hwndParent)
RECT rcClient;
HWND hwndTab;
TC_ITEM tie;
int i;
// Get the dimensions of the parent window's client area, and
// create a tab control child window of that size.
GetClientRect(hwndParent, &rcClient);
hwndTab = CreateWindow(
0, 0, rcClient.right, rcClient.bottom,
hwndParent, NULL, g_hinst, NULL
if (hwndTab == NULL)
return NULL;
// Add tabs for each day of the week.
tie.mask = TCIF_TEXT | TCIF_IMAGE;
tie.iImage = -1;
tie.pszText = g_achTemp;
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
LoadString(g_hinst, IDS_FIRSTDAY + i,
g_achTemp, sizeof(g_achTemp));
if (TabCtrl_InsertItem(hwndTab, i, &tie) == -1) {
return NULL;
return hwndTab;
The following function creates the static control that occupies the tab
control's display area. The application's initialization function calls this function
after creating the main window and the tab control.
// DoCreateDisplayWindow - creates a child window (a static
// control) to occupy the tab control's display area.
// Returns the handle of the static control.
// hwndParent - parent window (the application's main window)
HWND WINAPI DoCreateDisplayWindow(HWND hwndParent)
HWND hwndStatic = CreateWindow("STATIC", "",
hwndParent, NULL, g_hinst, NULL);
return hwndStatic;
Following are the relevant portions of the application's window procedure. The
application processes the
WM_SIZE message to position and size the tab control and the static control. To
determine the appropriate position and size for the static control, this example
sends the tab control a
TCM_ADJUSTRECT message (by using the
TabCtrl_AdjustRect macro).
When a tab is selected, the tab control sends a
WM_NOTIFY message, specifying the
TCN_SELCHANGE notification message. The application processes this notification message by
setting the text of the static control.
// MainWindowProc - processes the message for the main window class.
// The return value depends on the message.
// hwnd - handle of the window
// uMsg - identifier for the message
// wParam - message-specific parameter
// lParam - message-specific parameter
HWND hwnd,
UINT uMsg,
WPARAM wParam,
switch (uMsg) {
case WM_SIZE: {
HDWP hdwp;
RECT rc;
// Calculate the display rectangle, assuming the
// tab control is the size of the client area.
SetRect(&rc, 0, 0,
LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam));
TabCtrl_AdjustRect(g_hwndTab, FALSE, &rc);
// Size the tab control to fit the client area.
hdwp = BeginDeferWindowPos(2);
DeferWindowPos(hdwp, g_hwndTab, NULL, 0, 0,
LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam),
// Position and size the static control to fit the
// tab control's display area, and make sure the
// static control is in front of the tab control.
g_hwndDisplay, HWND_TOP, rc.left,,
rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom -, 0
switch (HIWORD(wParam)) {
case 0:
. // menu command processing
int iPage = TabCtrl_GetCurSel(g_hwndTab);
LoadString(g_hinst, IDS_FIRSTDAY + iPage,
g_achTemp, sizeof(g_achTemp));
SendMessage(g_hwndDisplay, WM_SETTEXT, 0
(LPARAM) g_achTemp);
. // additional message processing
return DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
return 0;
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