Creating a Tree-View Control

To create a tree-view control, use the CreateWindowEx function, specifying the WC_TREEVIEW value for the window class. The tree-view window class is registered in the application's address space when the common control dynamic-link library (DLL) is loaded. To ensure that the DLL is loaded, use the InitCommonControls function.

The following example creates a tree-view control that is sized to fit the client area of the parent window. It also uses application-defined functions to associate an image list with the control and add items to the control.

// CreateATreeView - creates a tree-view control.

// Returns the handle of the new control if successful or NULL
// otherwise.

// hwndParent - handle of the control's parent window

// lpszFileName - name of the file to parse for tree-view items

HWND CreateATreeView(HWND hwndParent, LPSTR lpszFileName)


RECT rcClient; // dimensions of client area

HWND hwndTV; // handle of tree-view control

// Ensure that the common control DLL is loaded.


// Get the dimensions of the parent window's client area, and create

// the tree-view control.

GetClientRect(hwndParent, &rcClient);

hwndTV = CreateWindowEx(0, WC_TREEVIEW, "Tree View",


0, 0, rcClient.right, rcClient.bottom,

hwndParent, (HMENU) ID_TREEVIEW, g_hinst, NULL);

// Initialize the image list, and add items to the control.

// InitTreeViewImageLists and InitTreeViewItems are application-

// defined functions.

if (!InitTreeViewImageLists(hwndTV) ||

!InitTreeViewItems(hwndTV, lpszFileName)) {


return FALSE;


return hwndTV;


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