Desktop Window
When Windows starts, it automatically creates the desktop window. The
desktop window is a system-defined window that paints the background of the screen and
serves as the base for all windows displayed by all applications.
The desktop window uses a bitmap to paint the background of the screen. The
pattern created by the bitmap is called the
desktop wallpaper. By default, the desktop window uses the bitmap from a .BMP file specified in
the registry as the desktop wallpaper.
GetDesktopWindow function returns the handle of the desktop window.
A system configuration application, such as a Control Panel applet, changes
the desktop wallpaper by using the
SystemParametersInfo function with the
wAction parameter set to
lpvParam parameter specifying a bitmap filename.
SystemParametersInfo then loads the bitmap from the specified file, uses the bitmap to paint the
background of the screen, and enters the new filename in the registry.
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