Digital Signatures
Digital signatures can be used when you have a message that you plan to
distribute in plaintext form, and you want the recipients to be able to verify that
the message comes from you and that it hasn't been tampered with since it left
your hands. Signing a message does not alter the message, it simply generates a
digital signature string you can bundle with the message or transmit separately.
Digital signatures are generated using public-key signature algorithms. A
private key is used to generate the signature, and the corresponding public key is
used to validate the signature. This process is shown in the following
On a network, there is often a trusted application running on a secure
computer that is known as the C
ertification Authority. This application knows the public key of each user. Certification
Authorities dispense messages known as
certificates, each of which contains the public key of one of its client users. Each
certificate is signed with the private key of the Certification Authority. A
certificate containing the public key of the signer is often bundled with a signed
message to make it easier to verify the signature. (Certificates are described in
more detail in
Exchanging Cryptographic Keys.)
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