Disabled Windows
A window can be disabled. A
disabled window receives no keyboard or mouse input from the user, but it can receive
messages from other windows, from other applications, and from Windows. An application
typically disables a window to prevent the user from using the window. For
example, an application may disable a push button in a dialog box to prevent the
user from choosing it. An application can enable a disabled window at any time;
enabling a window restores normal input.
By default, a window is enabled when created. An application can specify the
WS_DISABLED style, however, to disable a new window. An application enables or
disables an existing window by using the
EnableWindow function. Windows sends a
WM_ENABLE message to a window when its enabled state is about to change. An application
can determine whether a window is enabled by using the
IsWindowEnabled function.
When a child window is disabled, Windows passes the child's mouse input
messages to the parent window. The parent uses the messages to determine whether to
enable the child window. For more information about mouse input, see
Mouse Input.
Only one window at a time can receive keyboard input; that window is said to
have the keyboard focus. If an application uses the
EnableWindow function to disable a keyboard-focus window, the window loses the keyboard
focus in addition to being disabled.
EnableWindow then sets the keyboard focus to NULL, meaning no window has the focus. If a
child window, or other descendant window, has the keyboard focus, the descendant
window loses the focus when the parent window is disabled. For more
information about the keyboard focus, see
Keyboard Input.
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