Displaying a Picture and Storing It in an Enhanced Metafile

This section contains an example demonstrating the creation of a picture and the process of storing the corresponding records in a metafile. The example draws a picture to the display or stores it in a metafile. If a display DC handle is given, it draws a picture to the screen using various GDI functions. If an enhanced metafile DC is given, it stores the same picture in the enhanced metafile.

  • oid DrawOrStore(HWND hwnd, HDC hdcMeta, HDC hdcDisplay)


RECT rect;


int fnMapModeOld;

HBRUSH hbrOld;

/* Draw it to the display DC or store it in the metafile DC. */

if (hdcMeta)

hDC = hdcMeta;


hDC = hdcDisplay;

/* Set the mapping mode in the DC. */

fnMapModeOld = SetMapMode(hDC, MM_LOENGLISH);

/* Find the midpoint of the client area. */

GetClientRect(hwnd, (LPRECT)&rect);

DPtoLP(hDC, (LPPOINT)&rect, 2);

/* Select a gray brush. */

hbrOld = SelectObject(hDC, GetStockObject(GRAY_BRUSH));

/* Draw a circle with a one inch raduis. */

Ellipse(hDC, (rect.right/2 - 100), (rect.bottom/2 + 100),

(rect.right/2 + 100), (rect.bottom/2 - 100));

/* Perform additional drawing here. */

/* Set the device context back to its original state. */

SetMapMode(hDC, fnMapModeOld);

SelectObject(hDC, hbrOld);


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