Drag and Drop Operations
A tree-view control notifies the parent window when the user starts to drag an
item. The parent window receives a
TVN_BEGINDRAG notification message when the user begins dragging an item with the left
mouse button and a
TVN_BEGINRDRAG notification message when the user begins dragging with the right button. You
can prevent a tree-view control from sending these notifications by giving the
tree-view control the TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP style.
You obtain an image to display during a drag operation by using the
TVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE message. The tree-view control creates a dragging bitmap based on the label
of the item being dragged. Then the tree-view control creates an image list,
adds the bitmap to it, and returns the handle of the image list.
You must provide the code that actually drags the item. This typically
involves using the dragging capabilities of the image list functions and processing
WM_RBUTTONUP) messages sent to the parent window after the drag operation has begun. For
more information about the image list functions, see
Image Lists. For more information about dragging a tree-view item, see
Dragging a Tree-View Item.
If items in a tree-view control are to be the targets of a drag and drop
operation, you need to know when the mouse cursor is on a target item. You can find
out by using the
TVM_HITTEST message. You specify the address of a
TV_HITTESTINFO structure that contains the current coordinates of the mouse cursor. When the
SendMessage function returns, the structure contains a flag indicating the location of
the mouse cursor relative to the tree-view control. If the cursor is over an item
in the tree-view control, the structure contains the handle of the item as
You can indicate that an item is the target of a drag and drop operation by
using the
TVM_SETITEM message to set the state to the TVIS_DROPHILITED value. An item that has this
state is drawn in the style used to indicate a drag and drop target.
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