Dragging the Tree-View Item

You drag a tree-view item by calling the ImageList_DragMove function when the parent window receives a WM_MOUSEMOVE message, as the following example shows. The example also performs hit testing during the drag operation to determine whether to highlight other items in the tree view as targets of a drag and drop operation.

// Main_OnMouseMove - drags an item in a tree-view control,

// highlighting the item that is the target.

// hwndParent - handle of the parent window

// hwndTV - handle of the tree-view control

// xCur and yCur - x- and y-coordinates of the mouse cursor

  • oid Main_OnMouseMove(HWND hwndParent, HWND hwndTV, LONG xCur, LONG yCur)


HTREEITEM htiTarget; // handle of target item

TV_HITTESTINFO tvht; // hit test information

if (g_fDragging) {

// Drag the item to the current position of the mouse cursor.

ImageList_DragMove(xCur, yCur);

// Find out if the cursor is on the item. If it is, highlight

// the item as a drop target.

tvht.pt.x = xCur;

tvht.pt.y = yCur;

if ((htiTarget = TreeView_HitTest(hwndTV, &tvht)) != NULL) {

TreeView_SelectDropTarget(hwndTV, htiTarget);





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