Drawing the Image

The following function draws an image and saves the client coordinates of the image's bounding rectangle. A subsequent function uses the bounding rectangle to determine whether the user has clicked the image.

// DrawTheImage - draws an image transparently and saves

// the bounding rectangle of the drawn image

// Returns TRUE if successful or FALSE otherwise.

// hwnd - handle of the window in which to draw the image

// himl - handle of the image list that contains the image

// cx and cy - client coordinates for the upper-left corner of the image


// Global variables and constants

// g_nImage - index of the image to draw

// g_rcImage - bounding rectangle of the image

// CX_IMAGE and CY_IMAGE - width and height of the image

extern int g_nImage;

extern RECT g_rcImage;

#define CX_IMAGE 32

#define CY_IMAGE 32

BOOL DrawTheImage(HWND hwnd, HIMAGELIST himl, int cx, int cy)


HDC hdc;

if ((hdc = GetDC(hwnd)) == NULL)

return FALSE;

if (!ImageList_Draw(himl, g_nImage, hdc, cx, cy, ILD_TRANSPARENT))

return FALSE;

ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);

SetRect(&g_rcImage, cx, cy, CX_IMAGE + cx, CY_IMAGE + cy);

return TRUE;


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