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Quick Info
The EMRPOLYDRAW structure contains members for the PolyDraw enhanced metafile record. typedef struct tagEMRPOLYDRAW{
EMR emr; RECTL rclBounds; DWORD cptl; POINTL aptl[1]; BYTE abTypes[1]; } EMRPOLYDRAW, *PEMRPOLYDRAW; Members emr Base structure for all record types. rclBounds Bounding rectangle, in device units. cptl Number of points. aptl Array of 32-bit points. abTypes Array of values that specifies how each point in the aptl array is used. This member can be one of the following values: PT_MOVETO, PT_LINETO, or PT_BEZIERTO. The PT_LINETO or PT_BEZIERTO value can be combined with the PT_CLOSEFIGURE value by using the bitwise-xOR operator. See Also PolyDraw
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