Ending the Drag Operation
The following function ends the drag operation and draws the image in its
final location. It also releases the mouse capture.
// StopDragging - ends a drag operation and draws the image
// at its final location.
// Returns TRUE if successful or FALSE otherwise.
// hwnd - handle of the window in which the bitmap is dragged
// himl - handle of the image list
// ptCur - coordinates of the cursor
// Global variable
// g_ptHotSpot - location of the image's hot spot
extern POINT g_ptHotSpot;
BOOL StopDragging(HWND hwnd, HIMAGELIST himl, POINT ptCur)
g_fDragging = FALSE;
DrawTheImage(hwnd, himl, ptCur.x - g_ptHotSpot.x,
ptCur.y - g_ptHotSpot.y);
return TRUE;
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