Extracting Icons from Executable Files
An application can use the
ExtractIcon function to retrieve the handle of an icon from a specified executable file,
dynamic-link library, or icon file. The following example uses the
DragQueryPoint function to retrieve the coordinates of the point where a file was dropped,
DragQueryFile function to retrieve the filename of a dropped file, and the
ExtractIcon function to retrieve the handle of the first icon in the file, if any.
WORD cFiles;
HDC hdc;
char lpszFile[80];
HANDLE hCurrentInst, hicon;
DragQueryPoint((HANDLE) wParam, &pt);
cFiles = DragQueryFile((HANDLE) wParam, 0xFFFF, NULL, NULL);
if(cFiles > 1) {
TextOut(hdc, pt.x, pt.y,
"Please drop only one icon file.", 31);
return FALSE;
else {
DragQueryFile((HANDLE) wParam, 0, lpszFile, sizeof(lpszFile));
hCurrentInst = (HINSTANCE) GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_HINSTANCE);
hicon = ExtractIcon(hCurrentInst, lpszFile, 0);
if (hicon == NULL)
TextOut(hdc, pt.x, pt.y, "No icons found.", 15);
else if (hicon == (HICON) 1)
TextOut(hdc, pt.x, pt.y,
"File must be .EXE, .ICO, or .DLL.", 33);
DrawIcon(hdc, pt.x, pt.y, hicon);
DragFinish((HANDLE) wParam);
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