
An image static control can display bitmaps, icons (including animated icons), or enhanced metafiles. The type of graphic that a particular static control displays depends on the control's style: SS_BITMAP, SS_ICON, or SS_ENHMETAFILE. An application specifies the style when it creates the control and also specifies the handle of the bitmap, icon, or metafile for the control to display. After the control is created, an application can associate a different graphic with the control by sending it an STM_SETIMAGE message, specifying the handle of the new graphic object. An application can retrieve the handle of the graphic object currently associated with a static control by sending it an STM_GETIMAGE message. An application sends messages to a static control by using the SendDlgItemMessage function.

Software for developers
Delphi Components
.Net Components
Software for Android Developers
More information resources
Unix Manual Pages
Delphi Examples
Databases for Amazon shops developers
Amazon Categories Database
Browse Nodes Database