Items and Subitems

Each item in a list view control consists of an icon, a label, a current state, and an application-defined value. One or more subitems can also be associated with each item. A subitem is a string that, in report view, can be displayed in a column to the right of an item's icon and label. All items in a list view control have the same number of subitems. By using list view messages, you can add, modify, retrieve information about, and delete items. You can also find items with specific attributes.

The LV_ITEM structure defines a list view item or subitem. The iItem member is the zero-based index of the item. The iSubItem member is the one-based index of a subitem or zero if the structure contains information about an item. Additional members specify the item's text, icon, state, and item data. Item data is an application-defined value associated with a list view item.

To add an item to a list view control, use the LVM_INSERTITEM message, specifying the address of an LV_ITEM structure. Before adding multiple items, you can send the control an LVM_SETITEMCOUNT message, specifying the number of items the control will ultimately contain. This message enables the list view control to reallocate its internal data structures only once rather than every time you add an item. You can determine the number of items in a list view control by using the LVM_GETITEMCOUNT message.

To change the attributes of a list view item, use the LVM_SETITEM message, specifying the address of an LV_ITEM structure. The mask member of this structure specifies the item attributes you want to change. To change only the text of an item or subitem, use the LVM_SETITEMTEXT message.

To retrieve information about a list view item, use the LVM_GETITEM message, specifying the address of the LV_ITEM structure to fill in. The mask member of this structure specifies the item attributes to be retrieved. To retrieve only an item or subitem's text, use the LVM_GETITEMTEXT message.

To delete a list view item, use the LVM_DELETEITEM message. You can delete all items in a list view control by using the LVM_DELETEALLITEMS message.

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