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Quick Info
An Open or Save As dialog box sends the LBSELCHSTRING registered message to your hook procedure when the selection changes in any of the list boxes or combo boxes of the dialog box. For Explorer-style Open and Save As dialog boxes, this message has been superseded by the CDN_SELCHANGE and CDN_TYPECHANGE messages. MessageID = RegisterWindowMessage(LBSELCHSTRING);idListBox = (UINT) wParam;
iItem = LOWORD (lParam);
iType = HIWORD (lParam); Parameters idListBox Identifier of the list box or combo box in which the selection changed. iItem Item number of the selected string in the list box or combo box. iType Type of selection change. This parameter can be one of the following values:
| The item identified by iItem is the only item selected in a single-selection list box.
| The item identified by iItem is one of the items selected in a multiple-selection list box.
| The item identified by iItem is no longer selected in a multiple-selection list box.
| No items exist in a multiple-selection list box.
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