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The MONCBSTRUCT structure contains information about the current DDE transaction. A DDE debugging application can use this structure when monitoring transactions that the system passes to the DDE callback functions of other applications. typedef struct tagMONCBSTRUCT { // mcbst UINT cb; DWORD dwTime; HANDLE hTask; DWORD dwRet; UINT wType; UINT wFmt; HCONV hConv; HSZ hsz1; HSZ hsz2; HDDEDATA hData; DWORD dwData1; DWORD dwData2; CONVCONTEXT cc; DWORD cbData; DWORD Data[8]; } MONCBSTRUCT; Members cb Specifies the structure's size, in bytes. dwTime Specifies the Windows time that the transaction occurred. Windows time is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the system was booted. hTask Identifies the task (application instance) containing the DDE callback function that received the transaction. dwRet Specifies the value returned by the DDE callback function that processed the transaction. wType Identifies the transaction type. wFmt Specifies the format of the data exchanged (if any) during the transaction. hConv Identifies the conversation in which the transaction took place. hsz1 Identifies a string. hsz2 Identifies a string. hData Identifies the data exchanged (if any) during the transaction. dwData1 Specifies additional data. dwData2 Specifies additional data. cc Specifies a CONVCONTEXT structure containing language information used to share data in different languages. cbData Specifies the amount, in bytes, of data being passed with the transaction. This value may be more than 32 bytes. Data Contains the first 32 bytes of data being passed with the transaction(8 * sizeof(DWORD)). See Also CONVCONTEXT, MONERRSTRUCT, MONHSZSTRUCT, MONLINKSTRUCT, MONMSGSTRUCT
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