Overview |
Group |
Quick Info
Windows NT
| Yes
| Win95
| Yes
| Win32s
| Yes
| Import Library
| -
| Header File
| prsht.h
| Unicode
| No
| Platform Notes
| None
The PSN_APPLY notification message indicates that the user chose the OK or
Apply Now button and wants all changes to take effect. This notification message
is sent in the form of a
WM_NOTIFY message.
lpnmhdr = (NMHDR FAR *) lParam;
Pointer to an
NMHDR structure. The
hwndFrom member is the handle to the property sheet.
Return Values
Returns the PSNRET_INVALID_NOCHANGEPAGE value to prevent the changes from
taking effect and to return the focus to the page, or the PSNRET_NOERROR value to
accept the changes and allow the property sheet to be destroyed.
To set the return value, the dialog box procedure for the page must use the
SetWindowLong function with the DWL_MSGRESULT value, and the dialog box procedure must
return TRUE.
A page should not call the
EndDialog function when processing this notification message.
The property sheet is destroyed if the user chooses the OK button and the
application returns the PSNRET_NOERROR value in response to this notification.
To receive this notification, a page must set the DWL_MSGRESULT value to FALSE
in response the PSN_KILLACTIVE notification message.
PSHNOTIFY structure is supplied with the PSN_APPLY notification message. The
lParam member in this structure is TRUE if the user clicked the Ok or Cancel button,
and is FALSE if the user clicked the Close button.
See Also
- Software for developers
Delphi Components
.Net Components
Software for Android Developers
- More information resources
Unix Manual Pages
Delphi Examples