Phone-book Entries

Phone-book entries contain the information necessary to establish a RAS connection. A user or administrator can use the Dial-Up Networking dialog box to create, edit, and dial phone-book entries.

Windows 95:

Windows 95 supports a limited set of the Win32 functions for working with phone-book entries. You can use the RasCreatePhonebookEntry and RasEditPhonebookEntry functions to create or edit a phone-book entry. These functions display a dialog box in which the user can specify information about the phone-book entry. You can use the RasGetEntryDialParams and RasSetEntryDialParams functions to set or retrieve the connection parameters for a phone-book entry. The RasEnumEntries function retrieves an array of RASENTRYNAME structures that contain the phone-book entry names.

Windows NT version 4.0 supports the functions described for Windows 95, as well as a number of additional functions that an application can use to work with phone books and phone-book entries.

The RasEntryDlg function displays a property sheet that enables the user to create, edit, or copy phone-book entries. The RasCreatePhonebookEntry and RasEditPhonebookEntry functions call the RasEntryDlg function. You can use the RasRenameEntry function to rename a phone-book entry, or the RasDeleteEntry to delete an entry. The RasValidateEntryName determines whether a specified string has the correct format to be used as an entry name.

You can use the RasGetEntryProperties and RasSetEntryProperties to get and set additional information about a phone-book entry. These functions use a RASENTRY structure.

The RasGetCredentials and RasSetCredentials functions get and set the user credentials associated with a specified RAS phone-book entry. These functions use a RASCREDENTIALS structure.

The RasGetCountryInfo function retrieves country-specific dialing information from the Windows Telephony list of countries. RasGetCountryInfo uses the RASCTRYINFO structure.

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