Registry Entries for Extending the Shell
An application that creates and maintains files, such as a spreadsheet, word
proces-sor, or graphics application, typically adds two keys to the system
registry: a file association key and an application identifier key. The file
association key maps a filename extension to an application identifier. For example, a
word processing application might register the following key under
The value name (.doc) specifies the filename extension, and the value
(AWordProcessor) denotes the key name that contains the information about the
application handling the filename extension.
The application identifier key is the second registry entry made by an
application handling files.
AWordProcessor=A Word Processor
The value (A Word Processor) is a string describing the application that
recognizes files having the given filename extension. (In this case, it is the .DOC
filename extension.)
Extending the shell requires that you add other entries below the file
association and application identifier keys. The system checks these entries to
determine the commands to add to various shell menus, when to load an extension DLL,
where to find the DLL, and so on.
There are several registry keys that allow you to extend the shell without
having to write any code at all. These keys let you set the default icon for a
class of files or add commands to the File menu and its New submenu in Windows
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