Registry Storage Space
Although there are few technical limits to the type and size of data an
application can store in the registry, certain practical guidelines exist to promote
system efficiency. An application should store configuration and initialization
data in the registry, but other kinds of data should be stored elsewhere.
Generally, data consisting of more than one or two kilobytes (K) should be
stored as a file and referred to by using a key in the registry rather than being
stored as a value. Instead of duplicating large pieces of data in the registry,
an application should save the data as a file and refer to the file.
Executable binary code should never be stored in the registry.
A value entry uses much less registry space than a key. To save space, an
application should group similar data together as a structure and store the
structure as a value rather than storing each of the structure members as a separate
key. (Storing the data in binary form allows an application to store data in one
value that would otherwise be made up of several incompatible types.)
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