Replacing Control Panel Pages
ReplacePage member function is called only by Control Panel applications. It allows you
to replace the property sheet of a standard Control Panel application with a
custom page. For example, if a mouse manufacturer adds extra buttons to its mouse,
the manufacturer can replace the standard Mouse Control Panel's "Buttons"
property sheet page. The
ReplacePage member function is not called by the shell because the shell does not have
any property sheet pages that can be replaced by a shell extension. Currently,
only Control Panel applications call this member function, but other property
sheet suppliers could use this member function to allow their property sheet pages
to be replaced.
Each property sheet handler that allows a property sheet page to be replaced
must specify the registry location where other handlers that replace pages
register themselves. For standard Control Panel applications, this location is
defined by the
REGSTR_PATH_CONTROLSFOLDER macro in the REGSTR.H file. The macro defines the key under the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key in which all Control Panel property sheet page replacement handlers must
register. For example, a property sheet handler that needs to replace a
property sheet page for the Mouse Control Panel would register a property sheet
extension handler in the following registry location.
PropertySheetHandlers = NewMousePage
NewMousePage = {00000000-1111-2222-3333-00000000000002}
In addition, a property sheet handler that allows replaceable pages must
define identifiers for each page that can be replaced.
Standard Control Panel applications define this location in the REGSTR.H and
CPLEXT.H header files. In REGSTR.H, the
REGSTR_PATH_CONTROLSFOLDER macro defines the key under the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key in which all Control Panel property sheet page replacement handlers must
register. CPLEXT.H defines the subkey for each Control Panel application that
contains a replacable property sheet page: \
Mouse for a Mouse Control Panel application and \
Keyboard for a Keyboard Control Panel application.
Standard Control Panel applications define these identifiers in CPLEXT.H. For
example, CPLPAGE_MOUSE_BUTTONS defines the identifier for the Mouse Control
Panel's Buttons page, and CPLPAGE_KEYBOARD_SPEED defines the identifier for the
Keyboard Control Panel's Speed page.
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