Reporting an Event

After you have added a source name to the registry, use the RegisterEventSource function to get a handle of the Application event log, as in the following example, which gets the handle and then adds an event to the logs.

LPSTR aszMsg[] = {




h = RegisterEventSource(NULL, /* uses local computer */

"SamplApp"); /* source name */

if (h == NULL)

ErrorExit("could not register event source");

if (!ReportEvent(h, /* event log handle */

EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, /* event type */

0, /* category zero */

0x1003, /* event identifier */

NULL, /* no user security identifier */

1, /* one substitution string */

0, /* no data */

(LPTSTR *) aszMsg, /* address of string array */

NULL)) /* address of data */

ErrorExit("could not report event");


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