The initiator indicates whether it wants residues by setting the
pstgNewResidues parameter to a valid address when calling the
IReconcilableObject::Reconcile member function. If the reconciler does not support the creation of residues,
it must return immediately the REC_E_NORESIDUES value, unless the
dwFlags parameter specifies the RECONCILEF_NORESIDUESOK value.
The briefcase reconciler returns residues to the initiator by creating new
storage elements and copying them to the array pointed to by
pstgNewResidues. For structured storage residues, the reconciler copies an
IStorage interface, and for flat storage residues, it copies either an
IStream or
IStorage interface with the STATEBITS_FLAT flag set. The reconciler uses
IStorage to create the necessary storage, using
IStorage::CreateStream to create flat storage for a residue that is a stream and
IStorage::CreateStorage to create structured storage.
The initiator prepares
pstgNewResidues such that it contains no elements in the nonreserved part of the
IStorage namespace. The briefcase reconciler places each residue in an element whose
name corresponds to the order of its initial version. For example, the first
residue is contained in "1," the second in "2," and so on. If the reconciled
object itself produces a residue, that is found in the element named "0."
The briefcase reconciler commits each of the newly created elements
individually, ensuring that the initiator has access to the information. The reconciler
does not, however, commit
pstgNewResidues itself. The initiator is responsible for committing this or otherwise
disposing of it.
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