Resolving A Shortcut
An application may need to access and manipulate a shortcut that was created
previously. This operation is referred to as "resolving" the shortcut.
The application-defined ResolveIt function in the following example resolves a
shortcut. Its parameters include a window handle, a pointer to the path of the
shortcut, and the address of a buffer that receives the new path to the
object. The window handle identifies the parent window for any message boxes that the
shell may need to display. For example, the shell can display a message box if
the link is on unshared media, if network problems occur, if the user needs to
insert a floppy disk, and so on.
The ResolveIt function calls the
CoCreateInstance function and assumes that the
CoInitialize function has already been called. Note that ResolveIt needs to use the
IPersistFile interface to store the link information.
IPersistFile is implemented by the
IShellLink object. The link information must be loaded before the path information is
retrieved, which happens later in the example. Failing to load the link
information causes the calls to the
IShellLink::GetPath and
IShellLink::GetDescription member functions to fail.
HRESULT ResolveIt(HWND hwnd, LPCSTR lpszLinkFile, LPSTR lpszPath)
IShellLink* psl;
char szGotPath[MAX_PATH];
char szDescription[MAX_PATH];
*lpszPath = 0; // assume failure
// Get a pointer to the IShellLink interface.
hres = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_ShellLink, NULL,
if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) {
IPersistFile* ppf;
// Get a pointer to the IPersistFile interface.
hres = psl->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(psl, &IID_IPersistFile,
if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) {
// Ensure that the string is Unicode.
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpszLinkFile, -1, wsz,
// Load the shortcut.
hres = ppf->lpVtbl->Load(ppf, wsz, STGM_READ);
if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) {
// Resolve the link.
hres = psl->lpVtbl->Resolve(psl, hwnd, SLR_ANY_MATCH);
if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) {
// Get the path to the link target.
hres = psl->lpVtbl->GetPath(psl, szGotPath,
if (!SUCCEEDED(hres)
HandleErr(hres); // application-defined function
// Get the description of the target.
hres = psl->lpVtbl->GetDescription(psl,
szDescription, MAX_PATH);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hres))
lstrcpy(lpszPath, szGotPath);
// Release the pointer to the IPersistFile interface.
// Release the pointer to the IShellLink interface.
return hres;
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