Rich Edit Text Operations

An application can send messages to retrieve or find text in a rich edit control. You can retrieve either the selected text or a specified range of text.

To get the selected text in a rich edit control, use the EM_GETSELTEXT message. The text is copied to the specified character array. You must ensure that the array is large enough to hold the selected text plus a terminating null character.

To retrieve a specified range of text, use the EM_GETTEXTRANGE message. The TEXTRANGE structure used with this message specifies the text range to retrieve and points to a character array that receives the text. Here again, the application must ensure that the array is large enough for the specified text plus a terminating null character.

You can search for a string in a rich edit control by using the EM_FINDTEXT message. The FINDTEXT structure used with this message specifies the text range to search and the string to search for. You can also specify such options as whether the search is case-sensitive.

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