Searching for Files and Changing File Attributes

The following example copies all text files in the current directory to a new directory of read-only files named \TEXTRO. Files in the new directory are changed to read only, if necessary.

The application uses the GetCurrentDirectory function to retrieve the current directory path. This function is also used to return to the current directory after changing to the \TEXTRO directory.

The application then creates the \TEXTRO directory by using the CreateDirectory function.

The application searches the current directory for all .TXT files by using the FindFirstFile and FindNextFile functions. Each .TXT file is copied to the \TEXTRO directory. After a file is copied, the GetFileAttributes function determines whether the file is read only. If the file is not read only, the application changes directories to \TEXTRO and converts the copied file to read only by using the SetFileAttributes function.

After all .TXT files in the current directory have been copied, the application closes the search handle by using the FindClose function.


HANDLE hSearch;

DWORD dwAttrs;

char szDirPath[] = "c:\\TEXTRO\\";

char szNewPath[MAX_PATH];

char szHome[MAX_PATH];

BOOL fFinished = FALSE;

// Create a new directory.

if (!CreateDirectory(szDirPath, NULL))


ErrorHandler("Couldn't create new directory.");


// Start searching for .TXT files in the current directory.

hSearch = FindFirstFile("*.txt", &FileData);



ErrorHandler("No .TXT files found.");


// Copy each .TXT file to the new directory

// and change it to read only, if not already.

while (!fFinished)


lstrcpy(szNewPath, szDirPath);

lstrcat(szNewPath, FileData.cFileName);

if (CopyFile(FileData.cFileName, szNewPath, FALSE))


dwAttrs = GetFileAttributes(FileData.cFileName);









ErrorHandler("Couldn't copy file.");


if (!FindNextFile(hSearch, &FileData))

if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)


MessageBox(hwnd, "No more .TXT files.",

"Search completed.", MB_OK);

fFinished = TRUE;




ErrorHandler("Couldn't find next file.");



// Close the search handle.

if (!FindClose(hSearch))


ErrorHandler("Couldn't close search handle.");


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