Sophisticated File Viewers

This overview only describes the minimal file viewer UI. There are, of course, many other possibilities besides just rudimentary printing and viewing capabilities. One useful feature is the ability to copy data from a document either to the clipboard or in a drag and drop operation. In such cases, the file viewer needs to provide the ability to select data in the file, a Copy command (on an Edit menu as well as in a context menu), and the ability to pick up the selection and drag it elsewhere. However, the file viewer should not be a drop target and should not support the Cut and Paste commands on the Edit menu (or other variants) because those operations modify the file.

If the parent application creating the files that are handled in a specific file viewer is an OLE compound document container, the file viewer itself must be sensitive to viewing a compound document. That means that the file viewer itself will support some minimal container features and will, of course, use OLE to load and display compound document objects in the file itself. If the file viewer also supports in-place activation, it can activate inside-out objects in-place to allow the user to select and copy data from embeddings. While there are no standards for such functionality now, there will be in future versions of Windows.

Software for developers
Delphi Components
.Net Components
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More information resources
Unix Manual Pages
Delphi Examples