Tab Selection

When the user selects a tab, a tab control sends its parent window notification messages in the form of WM_NOTIFY messages. The TCN_SELCHANGING notification message is sent before the selection changes, and the TCN_SELCHANGE notification message is sent after the selection changes.

You can process TCN_SELCHANGING to save the state of the outgoing page. You can return TRUE to prevent the selection from changing. For example, you might not want to switch away from a child dialog box in which a control has an invalid setting.

You must process TCN_SELCHANGE to display the incoming page in the display area. This might simply entail changing the information displayed in a child window. More often, each page consists of a child window or dialog box. In this case, an application might process this notification by destroying or hiding the outgoing child window or dialog box and by creating or showing the incoming child window or dialog box.

You can retrieve and set the current selection by using the TCM_GETCURSEL and TCM_SETCURSEL messages.

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