Tree-View Label Editing
The user can directly edit the labels of items in a tree-view control that has
the TVS_EDITLABELS style. The user begins editing by clicking the label of the
item that has the focus. An application begins editing by using the
TVM_EDITLABEL message. The tree-view control notifies the parent window when editing begins
and when it is canceled or completed. When editing is completed, the parent
window is responsible for updating the item's label, if appropriate.
When label editing begins, a tree-view control sends its parent window a
TVN_BEGINLABELEDIT notification message. By processing this notification, an application can
allow editing of some labels and prevent editing of others. Returning zero allows
editing, and returning nonzero prevents it.
When label editing is canceled or completed, a tree-view control sends its
parent window a
TVN_ENDLABELEDIT notification message. The
lParam parameter is the address of a
TV_DISPINFO structure. The
item member is a
TV_ITEM structure that identifies the item and includes the edited text. The parent
window is responsible for updating the item's label, if appropriate, perhaps
after validating the edited string. The
pszText member of
TV_ITEM is zero if editing is canceled.
During label editing, typically in response to the
TVN_BEGINLABELEDIT notification message, you can get the handle of the edit control used for
label editing by using the
TVM_GETEDITCONTROL message. You can send the edit control an
EM_SETLIMITTEXT message to limit the amount of text a user can enter or subclass the edit
control to intercept and discard invalid characters. Note, however, that the edit
control is displayed only
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