Trusted Shares and Security
When a client user connects to a DDE share from a remote computer, network DDE
accepts the request only if the following statements are true:
- The user who created the share has granted trusted status to the share by
calling NDdeSetTrustedShare. Only the creator of the share can grant trusted status to the share. Not
even an administrator can grant trusted status to a DDE share that was created by
a different user.
- The user who created the share is currently logged on to the server computer.
The process of granting trusted status to a share adds the share to the
logged-on user's trusted shares list in the DSDM. This creates a trust relationship
between the server and its clients. Once a DDE share has trusted status, clients
can connect to it as long as the user that created the share is logged on.
When the client connects to the share from a remote computer, network DDE accepts
the request only if the share is listed in the logged-on user's trusted shares
list in the DSDM.
Network DDE performs an additional security check when the client requests
data or a link. It checks that the server has granted the remote user the
necessary permission for the operation. The server controls access to the share through
pSD parameter of the
NDdeShareAdd function. This parameter specifies the security descriptor. If this parameter
is NULL, the function creates a default security descriptor that grants full
access to the creator of the share and grants read and link permission to all
other users. To grant or deny additional permissions to individual users or
groups of users, create and use a security descriptor. For more information on
security descriptors, see the
Security overview.
To obtain the security descriptor for an existing DDE share, call the
NDdeGetShareSecurity function. You can edit the information and then update the security
descriptor for the share by using the
NDdeSetShareSecurity function.
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