Types of Tools
A tooltip control can support any number of tools. To support a particular
tool, you must register the tool with the tooltip control by sending the
TTM_ADDTOOL message to the tooltip control. The message includes the address of a
TOOLINFO structure, which provides information the tooltip control needs to display
text for the tool. The
cbSize member is required and must specify the size of the structure.
A tooltip control supports tools implemented as windows (such as child windows
or control windows) and as rectangular areas within a window's client area.
When you add a tool implemented as a rectangular area, the
hwnd member of
TOOLINFO must specify the handle of the window that contains the area, and the
rect member must specify the client coordinates of the area's bounding rectangle.
In addition, the
uId member must specify the application-defined identifier for the tool.
When you add a tool implemented as a window, the
uId member of
TOOLINFO must contain the window handle of the tool. Also, the
uFlags member must specify the TTF_IDISHWND value, which tells the tooltip control
to interpret the
uId member as a window handle.
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