Uses for Windows Dynamic Data Exchange

DDE is most appropriate for data exchanges that do not require ongoing user interaction. Usually, an application provides a method for the user to establish the link between the applications exchanging data. Once that link is established, however, the applications exchange data without further user involvement.

DDE can be used to implement a broad range of application features pics/WIN3200090001.gif for example:

  • Linking to real-time data, such as to stock market updates, scientific instruments, or process control.

  • Creating compound documents, such as a word processing document that includes a chart produced by a graphics application. Using DDE, the chart will change when the source data is changed, while the rest of the document remains the same.

  • Performing data queries between applications, such as a spreadsheet querying a database for accounts past due.

Software for developers
Delphi Components
.Net Components
Software for Android Developers
More information resources
Unix Manual Pages
Delphi Examples