Using Coordinate Spaces and Transformations

This section contains an example that demonstrates the following tasks:

  • Drawing graphics with predefined units.

  • Centering graphics in the application's client area.

  • Scaling graphics output to half its original size.

  • Translating graphics output 3/4 of an inch to the right.

  • Rotating graphics 30 degrees.

  • Shearing graphics output along the x-axis.

  • Reflecting graphics output about an imaginary horizontal axis drawn through its midpoint.

The following example was used to create the illustrations that appear earlier in this topic.

  • oid TransformAndDraw(int iTransform, HWND hWnd)



XFORM xForm;

RECT rect;

/* Retrieve a DC handle for the application's window. */

hDC = GetDC(hWnd);


* Set the mapping mode to LOENGLISH. This moves the

* client area origin from the upper left corner of the

* window to the lower left corner (this also reorients

* the y-axis so that drawing operations occur in a true

* Cartesian space). It guarantees portability so that

* the object drawn retains its dimensions on any

* display running Windows.




* Set the appropriate world transformation (based on the

* user's menu selection).


switch (iTransform) {

case SCALE: /* Scale to 1/2 of the original size. */

xForm.eM11 = (FLOAT) 0.5;

xForm.eM12 = (FLOAT) 0.0;

xForm.eM21 = (FLOAT) 0.0;

xForm.eM22 = (FLOAT) 0.5;

xForm.eDx = (FLOAT) 0.0;

xForm.eDy = (FLOAT) 0.0;

SetWorldTransform(hDC, &xForm);


case TRANSLATE: /* Translate right by 3/4 inch. */

xForm.eM11 = (FLOAT) 1.0;

xForm.eM12 = (FLOAT) 0.0;

xForm.eM21 = (FLOAT) 0.0;

xForm.eM22 = (FLOAT) 1.0;

xForm.eDx = (FLOAT) 75.0;

xForm.eDy = (FLOAT) 0.0;

SetWorldTransform(hDC, &xForm);


case ROTATE: /* Rotate 30 degrees counterclockwise. */

xForm.eM11 = (FLOAT) 0.8660;

xForm.eM12 = (FLOAT) 0.5000;

xForm.eM21 = (FLOAT) -0.5000;

xForm.eM22 = (FLOAT) 0.8660;

xForm.eDx = (FLOAT) 0.0;

xForm.eDy = (FLOAT) 0.0;

SetWorldTransform(hDC, &xForm);


case SHEAR: /* Shear along the x-axis with a */

/* proportionality constant of 1.0. */

xForm.eM11 = (FLOAT) 1.0;

xForm.eM12 = (FLOAT) 1.0;

xForm.eM21 = (FLOAT) 0.0;

xForm.eM22 = (FLOAT) 1.0;

xForm.eDx = (FLOAT) 0.0;

xForm.eDy = (FLOAT) 0.0;

SetWorldTransform(hDC, &xForm);


case REFLECT: /* Reflect about a horizontal axis. */

xForm.eM11 = (FLOAT) 1.0;

xForm.eM12 = (FLOAT) 0.0;

xForm.eM21 = (FLOAT) 0.0;

xForm.eM22 = (FLOAT) -1.0;

xForm.eDx = (FLOAT) 0.0;

xForm.eDy = (FLOAT) 0.0;

SetWorldTransform(hDC, &xForm);


case NORMAL: /* Set the unity transformation. */

xForm.eM11 = (FLOAT) 1.0;

xForm.eM12 = (FLOAT) 0.0;

xForm.eM21 = (FLOAT) 0.0;

xForm.eM22 = (FLOAT) 1.0;

xForm.eDx = (FLOAT) 0.0;

xForm.eDy = (FLOAT) 0.0;

SetWorldTransform(hDC, &xForm);



/* Find the midpoint of the client area. */

GetClientRect(hWnd, (LPRECT) &rect);

DPtoLP(hDC, (LPPOINT) &rect, 2);

/* Select a hollow brush. */

SelectObject(hDC, GetStockObject(HOLLOW_BRUSH));

/* Draw the exterior circle. */

Ellipse(hDC, (rect.right / 2 - 100), (rect.bottom / 2 + 100),

(rect.right / 2 + 100), (rect.bottom / 2 - 100));

/* Draw the interior circle. */

Ellipse(hDC, (rect.right / 2 -94), (rect.bottom / 2 + 94),

(rect.right / 2 + 94), (rect.bottom / 2 - 94));

/* Draw the key. */

Rectangle(hDC, (rect.right / 2 - 13), (rect.bottom / 2 + 113),

(rect.right / 2 + 13), (rect.bottom / 2 + 50));

Rectangle(hDC, (rect.right / 2 - 13), (rect.bottom / 2 + 96),

(rect.right / 2 + 13), (rect.bottom / 2 + 50));

/* Draw the horizontal lines. */

MoveToEx(hDC, (rect.right / 2 - 150), (rect.bottom / 2 + 0), NULL);

LineTo(hDC, (rect.right / 2 - 16), (rect.bottom / 2 + 0));

MoveToEx(hDC, (rect.right / 2 - 13), (rect.bottom / 2 + 0), NULL);

LineTo(hDC, (rect.right / 2 + 13), (rect.bottom / 2 + 0));

MoveToEx(hDC, (rect.right / 2 + 16), (rect.bottom / 2 + 0), NULL);

LineTo(hDC, (rect.right / 2 + 150), (rect.bottom / 2 + 0));

/* Draw the vertical lines. */

MoveToEx(hDC, (rect.right / 2 + 0), (rect.bottom / 2 - 150), NULL);

LineTo(hDC, (rect.right / 2 + 0), (rect.bottom / 2 - 16));

MoveToEx(hDC, (rect.right / 2 + 0), (rect.bottom / 2 - 13), NULL);

LineTo(hDC, (rect.right / 2 + 0), (rect.bottom / 2 + 13));

MoveToEx(hDC, (rect.right / 2 + 0), (rect.bottom / 2 + 16), NULL);

LineTo(hDC, (rect.right / 2 + 0), (rect.bottom / 2 + 150));

ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDC);


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