Views and Styles

List view controls can display their contents in four different views. The current view is specified by the control's window style. Additional window styles specify the alignment of items and control-specific functionality of the list view control. Information about the four views follows.

Icon view
Specified by the LVS_ICON window style.
Each item appears as a full-sized icon with a label below it. The user can drag the items to any location in the list view window.
Small icon view
Specified by the LVS_SMALLICON window style.
Each item appears as a small icon with the label to the right of it. The user can drag the items to any location.
List view
Specified by the LVS_LIST window style.
Each item appears as a small icon with a label to the right of it. Items are arranged in columns and cannot be dragged to any arbitrary location by the user.
Report view
Specified by the LVS_REPORT window style.
Each item appears on its own line with information arranged in columns. The leftmost column contains the small icon and label, and subsequent columns contain subitems as specified by the application. Unless the LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER window style is also specified, each column has a header.

You can change the view type after a list view control is created. To retrieve and change the window style, use the GetWindowLong and SetWindowLong functions. To determine the window styles that correspond to the current view, use the LVS_TYPEMASK value.

You can control the way items are arranged in icon or small icon view by specifying either the LVS_ALIGNTOP (default) or LVS_ALIGNLEFT window style. You can change the alignment after a list view control is created. To isolate the window styles that specify the alignment of items, use the LVS_ALIGNMASK value.

Additional window styles control other options pics/WIN3200090001.gif for example, whether a user can edit labels in place, whether more than one item can be selected at a time, and so on. For a complete list of the list view window styles, see List View Window Styles.

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