Overview |
Group |
Quick Info
Windows NT
| Yes
| Win95
| Yes
| Win32s
| Yes
| Import Library
| -
| Header File
| commdlg.h
| Unicode
| No
| Platform Notes
| None
The WM_PSD_FULLPAGERECT message informs a
PagePaintHook hook procedure of the coordinates of the sample page rectangle in the Page
Setup dialog box. The dialog box sends this message when it is about to draw the
contents of the sample page.
hDC = (WPARAM) (HDC) wParam; // handle of the device context
lprcPage = (LPARAM) (LPRECT) lParam; // dimensions of page rectangle
Value of
wParam. Handle of the device context for the sample page.
Value of
lParam. Pointer to a
RECT structure that contains the coordinates, in pixels, of the sample page.
Return Values
If the hook procedure returns TRUE, the dialog box sends no more WM_PSD*
messages and does not draw in the sample page until the next time the system needs
to redraw the sample page.
If the hook procedure returns FALSE, the dialog box sends the remaining
messages of the drawing sequence.
The Page Setup dialog box includes an image of a sample page that shows how
the user's selections affect the appearance of the printed output. When you call
PageSetupDlg function, you can provide a
PagePaintHook hook procedure to customize the appearance of the sample page. Whenever the
dialog box is about to draw the contents of the sample page, the dialog box
sends a sequence of WM_PSD* messages to the hook procedure.
See Also
- Software for developers
Delphi Components
.Net Components
Software for Android Developers
- More information resources
Unix Manual Pages
Delphi Examples