When MS Shell Dlg Should Not Be Used

At this time, MS Shell Dlg is not intended for use when you are working with a static, non-English UI application that you want to run when the user has chosen a locale with a different Windows base character set. This is because the application's UI language may not be supported with the font that is substituted for MS Shell Dlg. For example, if you are using a German localized version of Windows NT and want to install a non-Unicode, Greek application, you can use the Control Panel's International applet to change the locale to Greek. This will reset MS Shell Dlg to be a Greek font but this font does not contain all of the glyphs necessary to display German. Therefore, any non-ASCII characters in your German UI will not be displayed properly. To support this scenario, you would have to set MS Shell Dlg to a font that contains both the Western European and the Greek glyphs.

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