Window Destruction
In general, an application must destroy all the windows it creates. It does
this by using the
DestroyWindow function. When a window is destroyed, the system hides the window, if it is
visible, and then removes any internal data associated with the window. This
invalidates the window handle, which can no longer be used by the application.
An application destroys many of the windows it creates soon after creating
them. For example, an application usually destroys a dialog box window as soon as
the application has sufficient input from the user to continue its task. An
application eventually destroys the main window of the application (before
Before destroying a window, an application should save or remove any data
associated with the window, and it should release any system resources allocated
for the window. If the application does not release the resources, Windows will
free any resources not freed by the application.
Destroying a window does not affect the window class from which the window is
created. New windows can still be created using that class, and any existing
windows of that class continue to operate. Destroying a window also destroys the
window's descendant windows. The
DestroyWindow function sends a
WM_DESTROY message first to the window, then to its child windows and descendant
windows. In this way, all descendant windows of the window being destroyed are also
A window with a window menu receives a
WM_CLOSE message when the user chooses the Close command. By processing this message,
an application can prompt the user for confirmation before destroying the
window. If the user confirms that the window should be destroyed, the application
can call the
DestroyWindow function to destroy the window.
If the window being destroyed is the active window, both the active and focus
states are transferred to another window. The window that becomes the active
window is the next window, as determined by the ALT+ESC key combination. The new active window then determines which window receives
the keyboard focus.
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