Handling MCI Errors
You should always check the return value of the
mciSendCommand function. If it indicates an error, you can use
mciGetErrorString to get a textual description of the error.
The following example passes the MCI error code specified by
dwError to
mciGetErrorString, and then displays the resulting textual error description using the
MessageBox function.
// Uses mciGetErrorString to get a textual description of an MCI error.
// Displays the error description using MessageBox.
- oid showError(DWORD dwError)
char szErrorBuf[MAXERRORLENGTH];
if(mciGetErrorString(dwError, (LPSTR) szErrorBuf, MAXERRORLENGTH))
MessageBox(hMainWnd, szErrorBuf, "MCI Error",
MessageBox(hMainWnd, "Unknown Error", "MCI Error",
Note To interpret an
mciSendCommand error return value yourself, mask the high-order word (the low-order word
contains the error code). If you pass the error return value to
mciGetErrorString, however, you must pass the entire doubleword value.
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