The MCI_COPY command copies data to the clipboard. Digital-video devices recognize this command. MCIERROR mciSendCommand(MCIDEVICEID wDeviceID, MCI_COPY,DWORD dwFlags, (DWORD) (LPMCI_DGV_COPY_PARMS) lpCopy);
Parameters dwFlags MCI_NOTIFY, MCI_WAIT, or MCI_TEST. For information about these flags, see The Wait, Notify, and Test Flags. lpCopy Address of an MCI_DGV_COPY_PARMS structure. Return Values Returns zero if successful or an error otherwise. Remarks The following additional flags apply to digital-video devices: MCI_DGV_COPY_AT A rectangle is included in the rc member of the structure identified by lpCopy. The rectangle specifies the portion of each frame to copy. If the flag is omitted, MCI_COPY copies the entire frame. MCI_DGV_COPY_AUDIO_STREAM An audio-stream number is included in the dwAudioStream member of the structure identified by lpCopy. If you use this flag and also want to copy video, you must also use the MCI_DGV_COPY_VIDEO_STREAM flag. (If neither flag is specified, data from all audio and video streams is copied.) MCI_DGV_COPY_VIDEO_STREAM A video-stream number is included in the dwVideoStream member of the structure identified by lpCopy. If you use this flag and also want to copy audio, you must also use the MCI_DGV_COPY_AUDIO_STREAM flag. (If neither flag is specified, data from all audio and video streams is copied.) MCI_FROM A starting location is included in the dwFrom member of the structure identified by lpCopy. The units assigned to the position values are specified with the MCI_SET_TIME_FORMAT flag of the MCI_SET command. MCI_TO An ending location is included in the dwTo member of the structure identified by lpCopy. The units assigned to the position values are specified with the MCI_SET_TIME_FORMAT flag of the MCI_SET command. See Also MCI_DGV_COPY_PARMS, MCI_SET
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