The MCI_PLAY command signals the device to begin transmitting output data. CD audio, digital-video, MIDI sequencer, videodisc, VCR, and waveform-audio devices recognize this command. MCIERROR mciSendCommand(MCIDEVICEID wDeviceID, MCI_PLAY,DWORD dwFlags, (DWORD) (LPMCI_PLAY_PARMS ) lpPlay);
Parameters wDeviceID Device identifier of the MCI device that is to receive the command message. dwFlags MCI_NOTIFY, MCI_WAIT, or, for digital-video and VCR devices, MCI_TEST. For information about these flags, see The Wait, Notify, and Test Flags. lpPlay Address of an MCI_PLAY_PARMS structure. (Devices with extended command sets might replace this structure with a device-specific structure.) Return Values Returns zero if successful or an error otherwise. Remarks The following additional flags apply to all devices supporting MCI_PLAY: MCI_FROM A starting location is included in the dwFrom member of the structure identified by lpPlay. The units assigned to the position values are specified with the MCI_SET_TIME_FORMAT flag of the MCI_SET command. If MCI_FROM is not specified, the starting location defaults to the current position. MCI_TO An ending location is included in the dwTo member of the structure identified by lpPlay. The units assigned to the position values are specified with the MCI_SET_TIME_FORMAT flag of MCI_SET. If MCI_TO is not specified, the ending location defaults to the end of the media. The following additional flags are used with the digitalvideo device type: MCI_DGV_PLAY_REPEAT Playback should start again at the beginning when the end of the content is reached. MCI_DGV_PLAY_REVERSE Playback should occur in reverse. MCI_MCIAVI_PLAY_WINDOW Playback should occur in the window associated with a device instance (the default). (This flag is specific to MCIAVI.DRV.) MCI_MCIAVI_PLAY_FULLSCREEN Playback should use a full-screen display. Use this flag only when playing compressed or 8-bit files. For digital-video devices, lpPlay points to an MCI_DGV_PLAY_PARMS structure. The following additional flags are used with the vcr device type: MCI_VCR_PLAY_AT The dwAt member of the structure identified by lpPlay contains a time when the entire command begins, or if the device is cued, when the device reaches the from position given by the MCI_CUE command. MCI_VCR_PLAY_REVERSE Playback should occur in reverse. MCI_VCR_PLAY_SCAN Playback should be as fast as possible while maintaining video output. For VCR devices, lpPlay points to an MCI_VCR_PLAY_PARMS structure. The following additional flags are used with the videodisc device type: MCI_VD_PLAY_FAST Play fast. MCI_VD_PLAY_REVERSE Play in reverse. MCI_VD_PLAY_SCAN Scan quickly. MCI_VD_PLAY_SLOW Play slowly. MCI_VD_PLAY_SPEED The play speed is included in the dwSpeed member in the structure identified by lpPlay. See Also MCI_CUE, MCI_DGV_PLAY_PARMS, MCI_PLAY_PARMS, MCI_SET, MCI_VCR_PLAY_PARMS, MCI_VD_PLAY_PARMS
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