The MCI_SETTIMECODE command enables or disables timecode recording for a VCR. VCR devices recognize this command. MCIERROR mciSendCommand(MCIDEVICEID wDeviceID, MCI_SETTIMECODE,DWORD dwFlags, (DWORD) (LPMCI_GENERIC_PARMS) lpSetTimeCode);
Parameters wDeviceID Device identifier of the MCI device that is to receive the command message. dwFlags MCI_NOTIFY, MCI_WAIT, or MCI_TEST. For information about these flags, see The Wait, Notify, and Test Flags. lpSetTimeCode Address of an MCI_GENERIC_PARMS structure. (Devices with extended command sets might replace this structure with a device-specific structure.) Return Values Returns zero if successful or an error otherwise. Remarks The following additional flag applies to VCR devices: MCI_VCR_SETTIMECODE_RECORD Sets the timecode track recording to on or off. This flag is used in combination with one of the following additional flags: MCI_SET_ON Timecode recording on. MCI_SET_OFF Timecode recording off. See Also MCI_GENERIC_PARMS
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