The MCI_SIGNAL command sets a specified position in the workspace. Digital-video devices recognize this command. MCIAVI supports only one active signal at a time. MCIERROR mciSendCommand(MCIDEVICEID wDeviceID, MCI_SIGNAL,DWORD dwFlags, (DWORD) (LPMCI_DGV_SIGNAL_PARMS) lpSignal);
Parameters wDeviceID Device identifier of the MCI device that is to receive the command message. dwFlags MCI_NOTIFY, MCI_WAIT, or MCI_TEST. For information about these flags, see The Wait, Notify, and Test Flags. lpSignal Address of an MCI_DGV_SIGNAL_PARMS structure. Return Values Returns zero if successful or an error otherwise. Remarks The window whose handle you specify in the dwCallback member of the MCI_DGV_SIGNAL_PARMS structure receives the MM_MCISIGNAL message. The following flags apply to digital-video devices: MCI_DGV_SIGNAL_AT A signal position is included in the dwPosition member of the structure identified by lpSignal. MCI_DGV_SIGNAL_CANCEL Removes the signal position specified by the value associated with MCI_DGV_SIGNAL_USERVAL. MCI_DGV_SIGNAL_EVERY A signal-period value is included in the dwPeriod member of the structure identified by lpSignal. MCI_DGV_SIGNAL_POSITION The device will send the position value with the Windows message instead of the user-specified value. MCI_DGV_SIGNAL_USERVAL A data value is included in the dwUserParm member of the structure identified by lpSignal. The data value associated with this request is reported back with the Windows message. See Also MCI_DGV_SIGNAL_PARMS
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