IMoniker - Item Moniker Implementation
Item monikers are used to identify objects within containers, such as a
portion of a document, an embedded object within a compound document, or a range of
cells within a spreadsheet. Item monikers are often used in combination with
file monikers; a file moniker is used to identify the container while an item
moniker is used to identify the item within the container.
An item moniker contains a text string; this string is used by the container
object to distinguish the contained item from the others. The container object
must implement the
IOleItemContainer interface; this interface enables the item moniker code to acquire a pointer
to an object, given only the string that identifies the object.
When to Use
If you're a moniker client (that is, you're using a moniker to get an
interface pointer to an object), you typically don't need to know the class of the
moniker you're using; you simply call methods using an
IMoniker interface pointer.
If you're a moniker provider (that is, you're handing out monikers that
identify your objects to make them accessible to moniker clients), you must use item
monikers if the objects you're identifying are contained within another object
and can be individually identified using a string. You'll also need to use
another type of moniker (for example, file monikers) in order to identify the
container object.
To use item monikers, you must use the
CreateItemMoniker API function to create the monikers. In order to allow your objects to be
loaded when an item moniker is bound, the container of your objects must implement
IOleItemContainer interface.
The most common example of moniker providers are OLE applications that support
linking. If your OLE application supports linking to objects smaller than a
file-based documents, you need to use item monikers. For a server application
that allows linking to a selection within a document, you use the item monikers to
identify those objects. For a container application that allows linking to
embedded objects, you use the item monikers to identify the embedded objects.
See Also
pmkToLeft is NULL, this method returns E_INVALIDARG. Otherwise, the method calls
IMoniker::BindToObject on the
pmkToLeft parameter, requesting an
IOleItemContainer interface pointer. The method then calls
IOleItemContainer::GetObject, passing the string contained within the moniker, and returns the requested
interface pointer.
pmkToLeft is NULL, this method returns E_INVALIDARG. Otherwise, the method calls
IMoniker::BindToObject on the
pmkToLeft parameter, requesting an
IOleItemContainer interface pointer. The method then calls
IOleItemContainer::GetObjectStorage for the requested interface.
This method returns MK_S_REDUCED_TO_SELF and passes back the same moniker.
pmkRight is an anti-moniker, the returned moniker is NULL; if
pmkRight is a composite whose leftmost component is an anti-moniker, the returned
moniker is the composite after the leftmost anti-moniker is removed. If
pmkRight is not an anti-moniker, the method combines the two monikers into a generic
composite if
fOnlyIfNotGeneric is FALSE; if
fOnlyIfNotGeneric is TRUE, the method returns a NULL moniker and a return value of
This method returns S_OK and sets *
ppenumMoniker to NULL.
This method returns S_OK if both monikers are item monikers and their display
names are identical (using a case-insensitive comparison); otherwise, the
method returns S_FALSE.
This method calculates a hash value for the moniker.
pmkToLeft is NULL, this method returns TRUE if
pmkNewlyRunning is non-NULL and is equal to this moniker. Otherwise, the method checks the
ROT to see whether this moniker is running.
pmkToLeft is non-NULL, the method calls
IMoniker::BindToObject on the
pmkToLeft parameter, requesting an
IOleItemContainer interface pointer. The method then calls
IOleItemContainer::IsRunning, passing the string contained within this moniker.
pmkToLeft is NULL, this method returns MK_E_NOTBINDABLE. Otherwise, the method creates
a composite of
pmkToLeft and this moniker and uses the ROT to access the time of last change. If the
object is not in the ROT, the method calls
IMoniker::GetTimeOfLastChange on the
pmkToLeft parameter.
This method returns an anti-moniker (i.e., the results of calling
If other moniker is an item moniker that is equal to this moniker, this method
sets *
ppmkPrefix to this moniker and returns MK_S_US; otherwise, the method calls the
MonikerCommonPrefixWith API function. This API function correctly handles the case where the other
moniker is a generic composite.
This method returns MK_E_NOTBINDABLE and sets *
ppmkRelPath to NULL.
This method returns the concatenation of the delimiter and the item name that
were specified when the item moniker was created.
pmkToLeft is NULL, this method returns MK_E_SYNTAX. Otherwise, the method calls
IMoniker::BindToObject on the
pmkToLeft parameter, requesting an
IOleItemContainer interface pointer. The method then calls
IOleItemContainer::GetObject, requesting an
IParseDisplayName interface pointer to the object identified by the moniker, and passes the
display name to
This method returns S_OK and indicates MKSYS_ITEMMONIKER.
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