
Creates a new storage object using the OLE-provided compound file implementation for the IStorage interface.

HRESULT StgCreateDocfile(

const WCHAR * pwcsName,
//Points to pathname of compound file to create
DWORD grfMode,
//Specifies the access mode for opening the storage object
DWORD reserved,
//Reserved; must be zero
IStorage ** ppstgOpen
//Points to location for returning the new storage object



Points to the pathname of the compound file to create. Passed uninterpreted to the file system. This can be a relative name or NULL. If NULL, a temporary compound file is allocated with a unique name.


Specifies the access mode to use when opening the new storage object. For more information, see the STGM enumeration.


Reserved for future use; must be zero.


Points to the location where the new storage object is placed.

Return Values


Indicates the compound file was successfully created.


Indicates the calling process does not have sufficient access. Attempt to open file with conflicting permissions to a simultaneous open.


Indicates the compound file already exists and grfMode is set to STGM_FAILIFTHERE.


Indicates the specified file was successfully converted to Storage format.


Indicates the compound file was not created due to a lack of memory.


Indicates bad name in the pwcsName parameter.


Indicates bad pointer in the pwcsName parameter or the ppStgOpen parameter.


Indicates bad flag combination in the grfMode pointer.


Indicates the compound file was not created due to a lack of file handles.

See also any file system errors for other error return values.


This function creates a new storage object using the OLE-provided, compound-file implementation for the IStorage interface. The name of the open compound file can be retrieved by calling the IStorage::Stat method.

The StgCreateDocfile function creates the file if it does not exist. If it does exist, the use of the STGM_CREATE, STGM_CONVERT, and STGM_FAILIFTHERE flags in the grfMode parameter indicate how to proceed. See the STGM enumeration for more information on these values.

If the compound file is opened in transacted mode (the grfMode parameter specifies STGM_TRANSACTED) and a file with this name already exists, the existing file is not altered until all outstanding changes are committed. If the calling process lacks write access to the existing file (because of access control in the file system), the grfMode parameter can only specify STGM_READ and not STGM_WRITE or STGM_READWRITE. The resulting new open compound file can still be written to, but a commit operation will fail (in transacted mode, write permissions are enforced at commit time).

If the grfMode parameter specifies STGM_TRANSACTED and no file yet exists with the name specified by the pwcsName parameter, the file is created immediately. In an access-controlled file system, the caller must have write permissions in the file system directory in which the compound file is created.

The absence of STGM_TRANSACTED in the grfMode parameter indicates the file is to be created and opened in direct access mode. Any existing file with the same name is destroyed before creating the new file.

The StgCreateDocfile function can be used to create a temporary compound file by passing a NULL value for the pwcsName parameter. However, these files are temporary only in the sense that they have a system-provided unique name pics/OLE00090001.gif likely one that is meaningless to the user. The caller is responsible for deleting the temporary file when finished with it, unless STGM_DELETEONRELEASE was specified for the grfMode parameter.

Note By default, a Windows application can have 20 file handles open at one time. Each storage object opened in transacted mode uses three file handles. To increase the number of file handles the application has available, applications often call the Windows SetHandleCount function. However, the SetHandleCount function affects C run-time libraries (those statically linked to the application) that are hard-coded to expect only 20 file handles. There is no check on overflow, so if the application already has a few compound files open and it then uses a C run-time library (for example, fopen or sopen), the application corrupts memory past the end of the file-handle array (low in its data segment) if the library gets a file handle above 20.

To solve this problem, applications should reserve some number of file handles on start up, making them available to the components that might be based on C run-time libraries. If your application does not use any dynamic link libraries that use the C run-time libraries, there is no need for any special file-handle reservation code.

See Also


Software for developers
Delphi Components
.Net Components
Software for Android Developers
More information resources
Unix Manual Pages
Delphi Examples