Appendix Accessing the Pen Device Driver

There are no specific functions in the Pen Application Programming Interface (API) for pen driver use. Instead, the pen driver functionality is implemented with install-able driver messages.

The pen driver is a 16-bit installable driver in the Microsoft Windows 95 operating system. All communication with an installable driver is through driver messages. A 16-bit application can send a message to the pen driver with the Windows API SendDriverMessage function.

Because a call to SendDriverMessage must originate from a 16-bit virtual machine, 32-bit applications cannot use SendDriverMessage to send messages directly to the pen driver. To communicate with the pen driver, a 32-bit application must provide its own 16-bit dynamic-link library (DLL) to "thunk" calls to SendDriverMessage.

The installable portion of the pen driver may not exist in future versions of Win-dows. For this reason, an application should not query for device information directly from the driver unless necessary. Instead, an application should get hardware information about an HPENDATA object by calling GetPenDataInfo or GetPenDataAttributes. These functions can apprise an application of various hardware characteristics (such as sampling rate) current when collecting the HPENDATA.

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