Assisted Telephony Requests
Applications that use Assisted Telephony services only initiate requests that
are temporarily queued by TAPI. It is the request recipient application that
retrieves these requests and executes them on behalf of the Assisted Telephony
application. The
tapiRequestMakeCall function requests the establishment of a voice call. The requesting
application does not control the call.
TAPI allows the user to establish different or the same request recipient
applications for each of these services. An application becomes a request recipient
by registering with
lineRegisterRequestRecipient, in which TRUE is specified as the value for the parameter
bEnable. (Specifying FALSE deregisters the application as a request recipient, which
it should do when it has determined that its recipient duties are through for
the current session.) The application selects which services it wants to handle
in the
dwRequestMode parameter of
lineRegisterRequestRecipient. A possible value for a request is LINEREQUESTMODE_MAKECALL, to show that the
application will handle
tapiRequestMakeCall requests. If multiple applications register for the same services, a priority
scheme is used to allow the user to select which application is preferred for
handling requests. This priority scheme is identical to that used for call
hand-off and the routing of incoming calls based on a list of filenames in the
HandoffPriorities section of the registry.
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