Using lineOpen
An application can open a number of lines as well as negotiate API and
extension versions. The application can call the
lineOpen function with LINECALLPRIVILEGE_MONITOR privilege, meaning that it will only
monitor, not own, incoming calls on all the lines opened.
An application could open a line with the intent of
owning incoming calls by specifying LINECALLPRIVILEGE_OWNER as the privilege and a
media mode other than NONE. The application could actually specify a number of
media modes in this parameter by
OR-ing the bit flags for each of the desired media modes. In that case, the
application would be notified of incoming calls in any of the specified media
modes, and it receives those calls as their owner. (Actually, another application
that is also registered to receive calls of that media mode would receive the
call instead, if it has a higher priority as designated in the registry.) This
notification arrives in a call-state message that specifies, among other
information, which line is carrying the incoming call. For example, by specifying
LINEMEDIAMODE_INTERACTIVEVOICE, the application would be notified of incoming calls
of the interactive voice media type (voice calls with a person on the local end
of the line).
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